Dancing fashion designer, making sustainable booty lifting shorts.
My name is Tosca Blue and I’m a dancer and fashion designer. I started developing (dance) shorts, because I couldn’t find good quality shorts, which match my standards. To me it’s important to wear good quality clothing, which supports your body while working out. Clothing should support & celebrate your identity.
Most shorts in sport shops are made of crappy synthetic fabric and produced in China. The prints do not excite me at all.
So I thought to myself, let’s create some short which DO fit my standards. I developed shorts which are made of 95% cotton. The prints I use/make are bold, colourful & fit my idea of celebrating the power of femininity. One of the greatest benefits of the shorts is the booty lifting effect, using the same technique as the TikTok leggings. To make your booty look even better than it already does.